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Childrens Dentist Adelaide: Children’s Dental Sedation

Children with significant anxiety or complex dental requirements may be best treated under sedation. Sedation is safe and administered by a qualified paediatric anaesthetist per relevant professional guidelines.

childrens sedation dentist AdelaideChildren must come to their sedation appointment on an empty stomach and have nothing to drink for at least an hour before their appointment. They must be accompanied home by an adult and should not drive or use public transport. For professional childrens sedation dentist Adelaide, check this out.

Intravenous Sedation

A safe and effective means of sedating children during dental treatment, intravenous (IV) sedation is used to treat children who are apprehensive or have a sensitive gag reflex. It benefits children who need extensive dental work and is often recommended when oral sedation or other forms of sedation are unsuitable.

Unlike nitrous oxide, IV sedation works quickly and is administered through a vein in the arm or back of the hand. This method allows us to control the level of sedation and monitor your child’s vital signs during their appointment, ensuring they receive the right amount of medication.

This sedation technique is only available at a few select practices, including Australia Dental, as it requires advanced training and certification. Only dentists endorsed for conscious sedation by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency can offer this service. Children who receive IV sedation may feel dizzy for a few hours after their appointment and must be accompanied home afterwards.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

The nitrous oxide is administered through a mask placed over the patient’s nose and mouth. It takes only about 20 seconds for the sedative to reach the brain and start inhibiting pain receptors. Nitrous oxide is safe for all ages, from young children to older people. It is also very effective for children who have dental anxiety and need help relaxing to get through their appointments.

Once the nitrous oxide is turned off, the mask is removed, and the patient breathes pure oxygen for five minutes to clear out any remaining sedation from their lungs. Patients can then safely drive themselves home. However, if the child has nasal congestion or is sick at their appointment, nitrous oxide sedation may not be effective.

Oral Sedation

Oral sedation uses medications that you take before your dental appointment. This type of sedation is an excellent option for children with anxiety who are not able to take Nitrous Oxide or laughing gas. Your child will still be awake, but they will feel relaxed & comfortable. The medications used are very safe & and are commonly prescribed by your child’s doctor for anxiety & and insomnia. It can take a few hours for the effects to wear off, so you must have it’s a trusted family member or friend drive you to & and from your appointment.

If you’re unsure about which type of sedation is best for your child, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us for a consultation. Our dentists will advise you on the available options and carefully consider your child’s medical history. It is necessary to ensure your child’s safety and provide a positive experience for your family. For professional childrens sedation dentist Adelaide, check this out.

General Anaesthesia

The dental general anaesthesia (GA) procedure has long been the ‘gold standard’ in the treatment of severely anxious, fearful and phobic children and those who cannot cooperate. In Australia, the use of short GA in dental clinics is well established, and there are growing calls for introducing a model similar to that of hospital medical clinics.

Under general anaesthesia, children do not experience any pain and will wake up feeling groggy within an hour. They will not remember anything about the appointment. It is recommended that they have a chaperone at home to look after them. The grogginess will wear off in about 24 hours. Unlike IV sedation, general anaesthesia is not a quick procedure.